Jackson Adam

Jackson Adam

Thursday, September 15, 2011

A New Season

A lot has changed since I last posted, definitely for the better.

Jackson's surgery was a roller coaster of emotions. Things went well and it took time to heal but I couldn't be happier. Jackson's couldn't be happier either. Five weeks after surgery I got to see my little boy, now 9 months old, do something I never thought it would... crawl. It's amazing how I used to see other babies and just take so many things they did for granted. The look on Jackson's face when he realized he could go wherever he wanted was priceless. Then I few months after that he started pulling up on things and moving around on his feet. This was my biggest fear since he was diagnosed, that he wouldn't be able to walk. He's not there just yet but he's such a determined little guy and he will figure it out soon enough.

It's only by God's grace that I have this precious little boy in my life. He has changed me for the better in so many ways most of which I can't explain. It is amazing how one day, June 10, 2010, can change my outlook on life, love, and the world.