Jackson Adam

Jackson Adam

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Day When It All Clicked

Sunday Jan. 30th

Pete and I had been saying that we need to go to church more often. We both grew up in homes where the Lord was always an important part and we believe the same things. We just hadn't found a church that seemed to fit us. Pete suggested that we go to his parents church. I liked this church but there were a few biblical aspects that I didn't really agree with but I figured it was better than nothing. I went into the service with not a hopeful attitude and certainly not an open heart but then it happened. Before any singing, a man came up to give his testimony. He told a story about how him and his wife had a daughter and then tried for years to have another baby with no success. Then one day, 19 years after his daughters birth, they found out that they were expecting. After their baby was born the Drs noticed that something wasn't right. They thought the baby might have downs syndrome but they had to do some tests to confirm. He talked about how he cried and prayed to God to make it go away, to change this part of their little baby boy. He said he cried for 40 days straight and still prayed for God to take it away and make their son normal. Then one day he heard someone else story and God showed him that there is a reason for his son to have down syndrome. God wasn't punishing them but instead showing him that he needed to be changed. So instead of praying for God to change his son, he prayed for God to change his life and his heart. He went on to tell a story about him shopping years down the road and he saw a man with Downs that looked like he needed help in public restroom. He stopped to help that man and he knew that if it wasn't for his son he probably would have looked the other way, like it did so many times before.

At this point, I had been in this service for 5 minutes and I'm already crying. God wanted me there that day and wanted me to hear this story. Instead of dwelling on Jackson's illness and praying for God to take it away, I prayed for Him to change me. In the short 8 months that Jackson has been in our lives my life has been completely changed. I might not know the reasons why God has for giving me my little boy with this syndrome just yet but I know and truly believe that everything happens for God's reasons.

Right now, I believe that one of God's reason is because I have the gift of the gab! Maybe someone out there is going though the same things in their life and they need it to click and make sense and I want to try and help.

1 comment:

  1. I cried reading this! I think what your doing is amazing and I look forward to reading more :)
