Jackson Adam

Jackson Adam

Friday, February 11, 2011

The Months After Leaving The Hospital

Listening to Lady Antebellum: Loves' Lookin Good On You

Things with Jackson were going pretty good. We would go back to Cincinnati for his check-ups once a month. The group he works with there is awesome. We have had to hospitalized Jackson a few times since then. He had some cellulitius in his right foot, it's an infection of the skin. Its pretty painful and needed to be treated with IV antibiotics. Any type of infection could cause major problems with Jackson because of his condition. He was also admitted because he was bleeding internally in his butt. He has some cysts there that can rupture under the skin. Since that happened, he had to have a blood transfusion to make up for the loss.

Jackson has been home with us since October without any hospitalization, Praise the Lord! We found what works for wrapping his legs and what doesn't. He is actually stable. It took 6 months to get him that way but I'm so thankful he is. In September, he had a MRI done to find out what was going on internally with the KT. Their findings were about what they thought it would be. He does have some internal cysts in his abdomen but once again THANK GOD they don't interfere with his organs. If I say it once, I'll say it a million times, WE ARE BLESSED!

It took awhile for us to get used to the fact that our son has a disability. Honestly, writing this blog is the first time I've really let myself feel what we went though. I wrote it in my journal with a very factual attitude. I felt like I couldn't let my emotions show. I had to be strong. I couldn't let myself get in the way of doing what I had to do for my son. I needed to do this.  I would lay in bed at night and go over these events and maybe let out a few tears but that was it. It drove me nuts. I just wanted to get it all out, all at once and be done with me. Put it in my memories as "dealt with". I think that is usually the problem when people have problems. They never recognize them and deal with it and let it go. I feel like I have a huge weight lifted off my shoulders.

I'm letting go of the past and moving ahead with our future. I can't wait to see all the things it is going to hold for my family.

1 comment:

  1. Love reading these posts,Jenny. Some make me cry,some make me laugh. But ALL of them remind me that God loves this little boy and Jack is "fearfully and wonderfully made"!
    You have a great way of communicating through words...let it roll,Mama!
    Love you,
