Jackson Adam

Jackson Adam

Friday, February 11, 2011

Home Coming

I love music and I think there is a song out there than can completely describe exactly how you feel at the moment. I'm llistening to Nora Jones: The Long Day Is Over.


This day couldn't have come soon enough. The night before I was at the RM house with Linda (Pete's Mom). I was talking to Pete on the phone and I was burnt out. I was at my limit with how much more of this I can take. I was exhausted physically and mentally. I wanted to take Jackson and go home. I think God heard my pleas that night because they next morning they told me we were being discharged. God doesn't give you more than you can handle and he knew that was all I could handle.

I called Pete and told him the good news. Linda and I let out our tears of joy and thanked God. It was over and we could begin our new lives together as a family. We got all of Jackson stuff packed up and off we went. I couldn't get out of there fast enough. I sat in the back with Jackson on the way home and Daddy drove us. Grandma and Mimi met us at the house. Just being home with Jackson and Pete made it all perfect.

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