I've was woken up this morning to Jackson yelling from the other room. He really doesn't know any words yet so its like a "ah ah ah ah ah" noise. He makes me laugh every time he yells for me. By 9am I'm on the phone trying to deal with insurance companies, the hospital, nurses, home care and BCMH. O the joys of life, all the while feeding Jackson his breakfast. By now I think I can say I've become a Pro at dealing with all these people but there is always one person that thinks I'm a idiot and what she says is gold. When I encounter this person, I just take a deep breath and ignore their obvious hate for their job and I try to crack a joke. This usually doesn't get a laugh but hey, I think I'm funny!
I try to keep Jackson up for long enough so that he gets his morning 'business' out of the way. It never works out. Every time I put him down for his nap, his 'business' wakes him up 15 minutes into it. So now that it's taken care of for the morning we're playing until he's sleepy again.
I can't believe how big Jackson is getting these days. He's a little over 8 months old now and he's starting to look like such a little boy. My little tiny baby is gone. I put away all the little clothes that don't fit him anymore and I reminisce about how little he used to be! I remember having to buy smaller clothes because the ones I had he was swimming in! I can't help to miss by newborn baby but I love to see him discover some many new things. Just this week, he is trying to move all over the place. He can't crawl due to his one foot getting in the way but he definetly figures out how to get around. He has figured out how to roll over and over again until he reaches the Blu Ray player and plays with the buttons. He's starting to figure out what he can and can't play with. He gets all the way up to it and looks right at me before he touches it. He really does crack me up.
Jackson's bath last night went so well! Pete and I both usually dread giving him a bath and changing his wraps. It's like messing with disaster. His skin is so sensitive on his legs that even the slightest touch can cause the blebs to break open and bleed. It doesn't bother Jackson but its obviously a mess to deal with. He was having a issue with the dryness of that skin sticking to the stocking that goes between his skin and the wraps themselves. So, every time we took them off, the skin would break open. Last time we went to the DR they gave us an ointment to try and its a miracle in a tube! All the dryness is gone and his stocking doesn't stick! The best part is, there hasn't been any bleeding! Jackson was getting so irritated by the dryness because he wanted to scratch it. I can't imagine how frustration it would be to have an itch you can't scratch! But with this new ointment, he's so calm. He even LIKED his bath! He splashed around and didn't fuss at all! It was amazing. He even let me take pictures of him, and he was smiling! Every mom needs the embarrassing bath tub shot!
I've realized that everyday with Jackson's condition is a learning experience for us. There really isn't a book of all the things you need to know that work and that don't. Which I guess there really isn't a book like that for any baby so maybe our experiences really aren't that different from other parents. All I know is that thing with Jackson is getting better and better each day. I'm so amazed how all these things work themselves out. Some call it a coincidence, I call it "a God thing".
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