Jackson Adam

Jackson Adam

Friday, February 11, 2011

Letters to Jackson Cont.


Daddy and I went to visit you first thing in the morning. You were all bundled up snoozing away. You love being snuggled up tight in your blanket with your frog lovie on your head. We had to take a picture before you moved it. You did well with you feeding yesterday so they up-ed it a bit. They also let me try and feed you another bottle. You haven't got it down just yet but you're getting better at it each time we try! You fall asleep each time I try. I guess you're just so comfortable in my arms that you just want to cuddle and fall asleep. They let me 'kangaroo' you today. That's where they let you lay on my chest, skin to skin. You loved it. You just laid there, listening to my heartbeat, and fell into such a deep sleep. It's good for your development to be close to me like that. Mimi spent the day with us. Grandpa, Noe and Terri also stopped by to see you.  

Daddy went to the store after we left you today. We needed to get some more outfits that were small enough for you to wear. You were 5lb 14 oz when you were born so we needed some tiny clothes. We weren't expecting you to be that small, especially if you stayed in my belly for the full time! You would have been huge! I hate leaving you at night. I can't wait for the day when I can take you home and never let you out of my sight.


Over the next week things improved a lot. They took you off your oxygen. Your glucose levels balanced out on their own. Your pulmonary, liver and kidney issues all resolved themselves. All we were working on now is you feeding from a bottle for all your feedings. You have been doing great so we should be able to take you home soon!

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